Klaus-Dieter Schulz
A monograph of the colubrid snakes of the genus Elaphe.

Richard A. Ross, Gerald Marzec
The reproductive husbandry of pythons and boas.

Ronald G. Markel
Kingsnakes and Milksnakes

Gunther Kohler
Incubation of reptile eggs.

Guido Kreiner
The snakes of Europe.

Hermann Seufer, Yuri Kaverkin, Andreas Kirschner
The eyelash geckos.

Hermann Seufer
Keeping and breeding geckos.

John R. Berry
Volume one: ball pythons & boa constrictors.

Petr Necas
Chameleons. Natures hidden jewels.

Graham Alexander, Johan Marias
A guide to the reptiles of southern africa.

Marc Staniszewski

Bernd Eidenmuller
Monitor Lizards. Natural history, captive care & breeding.

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